
critical moment 危機;緊要關頭,關鍵時刻。

critical path

Some will drop out of the revolutionary ranks at critical moments and become passive , while a few may even become enemies of the revolution 其中一部分,到了革命的緊急關頭,就會脫離革命隊伍,采取消極態度;其中少數人,就會變成革命的敵人。

But somehow their plans don t seem to work well , as everytime during the critical moments , unexpected accident will happen and ruin their parties 可是,每次臨門總是脫腳,令他們懷疑四人中是否有內奸存在。另一方面,一班太太團也蠢蠢欲動

As the six - month deadline approached , i became more and more anxious . at this critical moment , master again compassionately extended her helpful hand 貸款期限越來越逼近,我的心也開始著急起來,慈悲的師父在這個緊要關頭,又伸出了援手。

“ the choices that have huge influence on one ' s fate are not made at critical moments or over matters of great importance , but over minor issues . 影響了人生命運的選擇,不是在某個重要的關頭,或某些很大的事情上,而是在一些很無謂的事情上。

At this critical moment , a man came along . also a staff member at the ticketing counter , he said cordially , “ let me check the computer first ! 正在緊張的當時,來了一位先生,他也是售票柜臺的服務人員,他和善的說:讓我查一查電腦!

Particularly , we are at a critical moment of joining in wto , it is people ' s focus that how to improve laws on entry and exit management 本文擬在研究中外相關出入境制度,剖析我國出入境管理立法的不足,探討使其完善的途徑。

Continued , “ under such critical moment , we have been strengthening the cleanliness of the properties through the joint efforts with our 指出:在現時非典型肺炎肆虐的嚴峻時期,我們特別加強轄下物業之各項服務。目前,

At this critical moment , muslim leaders must engage the american leaders in constructive diplomacy instead of brandishing warheads 在這個關鍵時刻,回教領袖應該通過建設性的外交而不是武力,處理和美國的關系。

It is known that there are several critical moments in the life of the pig which can have a huge impact on the technical results 大家都知道,在母豬一生中有幾個關鍵時期,這期間會對技術研究成果有重大影響。

At this critical moment , muslim leaders must engage the american leaders in constructive diplomacy instead of brandishing warheads 在這個關鍵時刻,回教領袖應該通過建設性的外交而不是武力,處理和美國的關系。

Just as we were reaching the critical moment when the tree was to fall , a brother informed us that master was inside the house 就在樹即將倒下的緊要關頭時,一位師兄告訴我們:師父還在房子里面!

It s a critical moment for the wto to show leadership by launching a new round of trade - expanding negotiations 現在是世貿組織顯示其領導作用發起關于擴大貿易的新一輪談判的重要時刻。

In this critical moment , the action that china takes is going to be the focus of attention 在這樣的“內憂外患”之下,中國出版如何譜寫自己的發展篇章,成為廣大業內外人士矚目的焦點。

Although the yankeess were charged with no errors , they had several fielding problems at critical moments 雖然洋基沒被記上任何失誤,但是他們在緊要關頭發生了好幾次守備上的問題。

At this critical moment , the sister - in - law of neighbour of han guang s family rescued me from the danger out 在這危急的時刻,韓光家的鄰居大嫂把我從危險中救了出來。

This paper describes the critical moments and the required feeding strategy of sows and piglets 本文圍繞這幾個關鍵時期,來闡述有關母豬和乳豬的飼喂策略。

Critical moment , because the other hand could not keep pace with the brain , so the majority mm oh 關鍵時刻,可別因為手上的速度跟不上大腦,而讓mm看輕哦!

We stand at a critical moment in earth ' s history , a time when humanity must choose its future 我們正處于地球歷史上人類必須對其未來作出抉擇的關鍵時刻。

60 . today , we find ourselves at a critical moment . we must be masters of our own destiny 60 .今天,我們處身于一個關鍵時刻,必須能夠掌握自己的命運。